The Full Story
About Us
Datcha was established by two former Jaguar Land Rover graduates from Glasgow who recognised a unique opportunity to enhance the social experience for young professionals relocating to Leamington as they begin their professional careers.
Leamington is historically and currently an innovative town within the heart of the UK and manages to attract the crème of young professional talent for companies from start-ups to multi-billion pound corporations. Despite this, we found the Leamington social scene to be rather bland and more tailored towards young families and university students, leaving us young people behind.
That's where Datcha Leamington comes in. Leamington Spa's first-ever events series exclusive to young professionals.

Are you a young professional in Leamington? Our mission is simply to enhance your social life by creating tailored events completely exclusive to people like you.
We envision a town that doesn't just cater for students or families. We envision a social life in Leamington that your peers living it up in London will envy and not vice-versa. Its time for the "Silicon Spa" to live up to its potential.